Me and my side hustle challenge

Until a few months ago I was full-time employed, working a typical 9-to-5 job (or rather 8-to-6+). While I enjoyed the core of my work there were also many things that I did not and for quite some time I had been dreaming about starting my own business and to be my own boss.

When an opportunity came up to opt for voluntary separation from the organization I worked for, I decided to go for it (albeit concerned about what would be next). Once I left my 9-to-5 job I travelled around with my family which was fun and it was great to spend the summer holidays together as a family for a longer period of time. Once the school holidays were over, I was excited about this new route I had taken, but also feeling a bit lost on what to do next and how to create income. Honestly initially I really had to get used to the fact that I did not have to go to an office, to check my emails and to be available at any time in case of any unexpected issues came up. I struggled with not having a fixed weekly structure anymore and …..

Some of the side hustles will be very well known too many, easy to set-up or do while others might be less known, more challenging and difficult to do and to generate money. In the end it is all about the process, changing one’s mind set, learning about new ways of earning money that in the end might end up in an actual business (or not). I will share my journey here and hope that it might be of interest to others.