Side hustle 6: Create an AirBnB experience

An Airbnb Experience is a unique activity or tour offered by local hosts through the Airbnb platform. Through an Airbnb Experience you can offer any sort of tour or activity in the city where you live that allows travelers to engage in often off-the-beaten-path activities.

AirBnB experiences:

  • Pros:

    • Your activity or tour (once approved) reaches a large audience given that AirBnB is used by many people worldwide

    • You get to share your love for architecture, history, food etc. with other people

  • Cons:

    • Your experience needs to be approved by AirBnB before it can appear on their website

    • AirBnB charges 20% (meaning that 20% of your revenue goes to AirBnB)


Side hustle 5: Loyalty programs


Side hustle 7: Being an extra in a tv show or movie